Buon Compleanno (Happy Birthday) Tutti!


(Uno) Buon Compleanno! Happy Birthday Steph, Z, and Maddie! In that order, I think. Also, belated Happy Groundhog Day.

(Due) 2. Spiced Key Limes in Oil – via Chef Georgia Pelligrini. I’m not sure if I want the key limes to come to me or me to go to Key West, but this makes all parts of me a little zazzier. I want.

(Tre) 3. Gas station strikes looming on the horizon.
This week I saw this in my inbox:

“Gas station strike dates will be announced after Feb. 7 meeting

Italian media are reporting that the dates for a long-threatened 10-day gas
station strike will be announced after a Feb. 7 meeting between union
officials. It is expected that the strike will take place in three-day
increments every week for the rest of the month, beginning sometime after
Feb. 7.”

Gulp. Keeping my fingers crossed.

(Quattro) 4. Giorgia Eros – Inevitable. Listen to it. Love it. Thank me later.

(Cinque) 5. Scandalous foundation! The unnameable (no clicks for them) foundation who recently backed out of supporting Planned Parenthood’s breast cancer screening project. Booooo! Read about it here and here.


Speaking of throwing people/causes under-the-bus…does anyone else have the problem with a visual reaction to that phrase? I always picture the person in question picking up the other one and throwing her under a bus. When I was younger, the bus was parked and I didn’t get it. My aunt and uncle owned a bus garage and I was confused about bus metaphors. Later, I got on board (zing!) with the meaning. Yet, I still picture a bus barreling down a narrow deserted road and a person being thrown under the wheels at the last moment. What a violent metaphor!

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